My Year in Kyoto, Japan: An Antinuclear Activist’s Perpsective

AUGUST 9, 2022 By Stephen Roddy, PhD, SF Bay PSR member and professor at the University of San Francisco In Japan, where two cities, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, were incinerated by atomic bombs dropped by U.S. forces during World War II, the nuclear weapons abolition movement is far more robust and mainstream than here in the ...

My Year in Kyoto, Japan: An Antinuclear Activist’s Perpsective2022-08-08T17:31:31-07:00

UN Report on Climate: Health Voices Must Hold Governments Accountable

April 12, 2022 Dear Friends, You probably saw the United Nation’s climate report released last week on April 4, 2022. While the report warns us that we have vanishing time to avert a climate disaster—it confirms that we have the solutions within our grasp. However, these solutions are not being implemented because the fossil fuel ...

UN Report on Climate: Health Voices Must Hold Governments Accountable2022-04-19T16:23:00-07:00

SF Bay PSR’s 2022 Roadmap: Advocating for health-based solutions to our world’s crises for more than 40 years!!

MARCH 8, 2022 NEWS, STAFF & INTERN UPDATES, EVENTS & MORE Once again, the new year is off to a tumultuous start. As our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine, we painfully watch our world in crisis on multiple fronts: Russia invaded Ukraine and threatened to use nuclear weapons; the United Nations’ ...

SF Bay PSR’s 2022 Roadmap: Advocating for health-based solutions to our world’s crises for more than 40 years!!2022-03-09T14:13:21-08:00

COP26: Where Do We Go from Here?

NOVEMBER 17, 2021 PSR Member News, Action Updates, Anti-Nuclear and California Policy Watch, and More During the first two weeks of November, as we watched Congress haggle over Biden’s infrastructure and Build Back Better plans, oil executives testify at congressional hearings attempting to hold them accountable, and world leaders posture at the United ...

COP26: Where Do We Go from Here?2021-11-18T15:50:41-08:00

Linking Our Movements Against Global Warming and Militarism

SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 PSR Member News, Action Updates, Anti-Nuclear and California Policy Watch, and More At a time when we are daily reminded through spreading drought and wildfires, and extreme weather events, that our climate crisis is here and now, we simply cannot afford to continue to squander our resources for another era of ...

Linking Our Movements Against Global Warming and Militarism2021-09-08T13:42:15-07:00

How Do We Heal? A Third Reconstruction

June 15, 2021 PSR MEMBER NEWS, ANTI-NUCLEAR AND CALIFORNIA POLICY WATCH, AND MORE How do we heal? At SF Bay PSR we are constantly asking this question as we look through a public-health lens at our intertwined core issues: the environment, climate, racial and social injustice, and nuclear weapons abolition. We ...

How Do We Heal? A Third Reconstruction2021-06-15T15:03:18-07:00

2021 Policy Updates

APRIL 29, 2021 POLICY WATCH, ACTIONS, EVENTS, PSR MEMBERS NEWS, READINGS & RESOURCES, AND MORE SF Bay PSR goes beyond policy advocacy with a diverse array of projects designed to nurture a paradigm shift in the way we as a society approach the environment, health, and security. However, policy advocacy is ...

2021 Policy Updates2021-04-29T14:01:20-07:00

United Nations’ Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Ratified by 50th Country and American Public Health Association Adopts Policy Statement Calling for a Nuclear-Free World

OCTOBER 24, 2020 History was made on October 24, 2020, when Honduras ratified the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Now with 50 ratifications, the Treaty will enter-into-force in 90 days, becoming legally binding for countries that have joined the treaty, most likely on January 22, 2021, two ...

United Nations’ Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Ratified by 50th Country and American Public Health Association Adopts Policy Statement Calling for a Nuclear-Free World2020-10-26T14:10:22-07:00

Toward a Nuclear-Free World: Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Bombings of Japan

JULY 30, 2020 View original newsletter email. SF Bay PSR invites you to join us, and local and national partners, in commemorating the 75th anniversary (August 6 & 9) of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that by the end of 1945 led to the deaths of more than 200,000 ...

Toward a Nuclear-Free World: Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Bombings of Japan2020-07-31T14:41:09-07:00
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