SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal.

SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal. SF Bay PSR joined PSR-LA, Committee to Bridge the Gap, and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and collectively we were able to push the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to drop the plan to deregulate radioactive waste disposal. December 2020. READ MORE …      

SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal.2021-02-23T12:11:01-08:00

SIGNED: Letter to U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office Re: Draft Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS-0542) written by Snake River Alliance. SIGNED: Letter to U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office Re: Draft Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS-0542) written by Snake River Alliance. While fuel for all nuclear reactors is dangerous, the fuel for the proposed VTR is especially concerning. In addition to uranium, plutonium would also be required to fuel the reactor. The proposed use of plutonium presents typical risks of contamination and hazardous waste, but also the additional danger of nuclear proliferation and the threat of terrorism. Plutonium is a key component of nuclear bombs, and its proposed use as fuel for the VTR will set a dangerous precedent for the nuclear energy industry in the future. READ MORE …

SIGNED: Letter to U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office Re: Draft Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS-0542) written by Snake River Alliance. While fuel for all nuclear reactors is dangerous, the fuel for the proposed VTR is especially concerning. In addition to uranium, plutonium would also be required to fuel the reactor. The ...

SIGNED: Letter to U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office Re: Draft Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS-0542) written by Snake River Alliance. SIGNED: Letter to U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office Re: Draft Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS-0542) written by Snake River Alliance. While fuel for all nuclear reactors is dangerous, the fuel for the proposed VTR is especially concerning. In addition to uranium, plutonium would also be required to fuel the reactor. The proposed use of plutonium presents typical risks of contamination and hazardous waste, but also the additional danger of nuclear proliferation and the threat of terrorism. Plutonium is a key component of nuclear bombs, and its proposed use as fuel for the VTR will set a dangerous precedent for the nuclear energy industry in the future. READ MORE …2021-02-23T12:07:43-08:00

SUCCESS! United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has entered into force

The world celebrated on January 22, 2021, when the United Nation's Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons went into force—more than 75 years after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The countries that have joined the Treaty are bound to adhere to the treaty’s prohibitions and implement its obligations. The treaty’s normative impact will ...

SUCCESS! United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has entered into force2021-01-28T11:40:04-08:00

PASSED!!! San Francisco unanimously voted embrace the UN Treaty on Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons

BRAVO! The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously PASSED a Resolution urging renunciation of nuclear weapons proliferation, actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals, and embracing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This resolution embraces the five point of the Back from the Brink Campaign. 12-8-20 Peskin ...

PASSED!!! San Francisco unanimously voted embrace the UN Treaty on Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons2021-01-15T09:55:10-08:00

SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal

SF Bay PSR joined PSR-LA, Committee to Bridge the Gap, and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and collectively we were able to push the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to drop the plan to deregulate radioactive waste disposal. See more details and links below. For Immediate Release:  Friday, December 18, 2020 Contact:  Jeff Ruch (PEER) (510) 213-7028; ...

SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal2021-01-04T16:54:19-08:00

OPPOSED: Signed letter against the American Nuclear Infrastructure Act, S. 4897

S. 4897 would expand uranium mining and provide subsidies and bailout the nuclear energy industry. We write in opposition to S. 4897, the American Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020, which is scheduled for mark-up on December 2, 2020. The provisions in this bill would misdirect vital government, financial, and industrial resources to an uneconomical, environmentally ...

OPPOSED: Signed letter against the American Nuclear Infrastructure Act, S. 48972020-12-02T14:27:05-08:00

PASSED: Town of Atherton Proclamation endorses the five Back from the Brink points in pursuit of preventing nuclear war

Mayor Rick DeGolia signed the Town of Atherton's Proclamation endorsing the five Back from the Brink Points in pursuit of preventing nuclear war. The five steps have been endorsed by 250 health, environmental, academic, peace, faith, and justice organizations, and have been incorporated in resolutions approved by fifty municipalities, including nine California cities (Arcata, Berkeley, ...

PASSED: Town of Atherton Proclamation endorses the five Back from the Brink points in pursuit of preventing nuclear war2020-12-02T14:28:45-08:00

SUBMITTED Public Comments: to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Commissioners and Staff, in response to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

SUBMITTED Public Comments: to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Commissioners and Staff, in response to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Docket ID NRC-2016-0231) regarding Interim Storage Partner's (ISP) application for a license to build and operate a “Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel in Andrews County, Texas” (NUREG-2239). The undersigned organizations oppose ISP’s ...

SUBMITTED Public Comments: to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Commissioners and Staff, in response to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement2020-11-17T13:38:30-08:00

Opposed: the Lawrence Livermore National Lab continued and expanded nuclear weapons activities

Submitted comments at the public hearing about the Lawrence Livermore National Lab site-wide environmental impact statement, which would lay-out the parameters for continued and expanded nuclear weapons activities at LLNL, commensurate with overall DOE plans to modernize and increase the lethality of our current arsenal.

Opposed: the Lawrence Livermore National Lab continued and expanded nuclear weapons activities2020-09-18T14:57:48-07:00

SF Bay PSR and National PSR support the following policy solutions toward a nuclear-weapons-free world

1. Support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Cosponsor H.R. 302 — Embracing the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 2. Continue the U.S. moratorium on nuclear testing Cosponsor H.R.7140 /  S.3886 — PLANET Act, to prohibit the use of funds for an explosive nuclear weapons test. ...

SF Bay PSR and National PSR support the following policy solutions toward a nuclear-weapons-free world2020-07-30T15:19:46-07:00
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