
JUNE 3, 2020

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San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility joins with National PSR and other local chapters in condemning the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others who have been killed simply for “living while Black.” Like many people around the world, we watched in horror while a white police officer with seemingly no concern pinned George Floyd to the ground and held him there with a knee to his neck for nine long minutes.

As health care providers, we are all too aware of the physical damage that such brutal force wreaks on the human body, let alone the emotional and psychological harm done to those forced to watch their child, parent, sibling, or spouse be subjected to such inhumane treatment.

In mourning the death of George Floyd, we stand in solidarity with protesters across the U.S. and around the world who demand expedited criminal justice reform, and an end to police violence and the over-policing of Black and Brown people. But our concern must go deeper than this. Much as the COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted vast inequities in care and treatment, income and wealth, and divisions of labor, just so has the murder of George Floyd, and the protests that have followed in the aftermath cast in sharp relief long-standing structures of racial inequality and white supremacy.

As Bay Area Congresswoman Barbara Lee recently reminded us:Now more than ever, we must use our collective power to stand up, demand accountability, and create change.” In upcoming weeks and months, San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility will not be silent. We commit to using our voice and influence to hold accountable police and local, state, and national lawmakers and pledge to work to dismantle unjust policies and practices that cause continued harm, and even death, to Black and Brown people.

Sadly, with all of our technology and our collective medical expertise, we cannot return George Floyd back to his family, but we can and will honor his death by continuing to work toward a society in which his children and all those who face continued threats, injustice, and exclusion can thrive.

Actions Justice for Breonna Taylor Petition | Justice for George Floyd Petition | Justice for Tony McDade | Justice for David McAtee | Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

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